Monday, May 23, 2005

"I woke up with a hellacious sunburn and the ability to smell colors."

I don't really have anything to say. At all. How strange. And yet, I feel obligated to say something entertaining.

I almost killed a teacher today . . . this is one case where I will not use a real name, because I am going to be extraordinarily hateful. This woman . . . I swear . . . She was wearing a really really hideous scarf today and it kept making me think about strangulatory homicide. (I'm pretty sure "strangulatory" is not a word. Someone's gonna have to dictionarize my blog sometime. "Dictionarize," too.) This woman would be the best torturer/interrogator ever, because it makes no difference at all whether anyone actually answers any questions she asks. She wants a translation of a phrase. I say, "The American students who are falling behind in basic science knowledge." She takes ten minutes to go over every gordamn word and comes up, in the end, with the exact same phrase. Word-for-word. I hate her so much. She does this for everything; every word, every phrase, every sentence, every clause, every passage . . . And she's a big fan of the 다 같이, which means "All together," and no one does it anymore because it's so fuckin stupid. She says that same phrase after every fuckin word she says, and I want to kill her. And today she found a counseling statement I need to sign, and it was my lunchtime, and she said I needed to sign it. I said, "Well, this is my lunchtime . . . " and started to walk away, and she told me to come back a little early, and I said that that'll STILL be my lunchtime, but if she wants to catch me during class time, I'd be happy to do it. And THEN I walked away. And chuckled to myself all the way to the library, here. So pleased with legal defiance . . .


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