Thursday, August 25, 2005

Oh, the weekends . . .

So. Lately, my weekends have changed significantly. They used to be harmless, restful affairs, full of movies and sleeping and reading in bed and more movies and eating at funny little restaurants with funny people. I scoffed at the assertion that all "KorLings" eventually become alcoholics. (I am not, by the way, an alcoholic.) However, the longer I am in this course, the more understandable it becomes.
I've never really been one to get stressed. Seriously. At least, not consciously. The chiropractor always used to tell me (as does Maria, the massage therapist upstairs that I sometimes go to church with) that I SHOULD be having massive headaches all the time, with how tight my back is, and that I really do seem to be carrying the whole world on my shoulders, they're so tense. But I've never FELT really stressed before.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ow . . . my eye . . .

Okay, Dane. First. Googling "liniment for my dignity" is DEFINITELY cheating. (Or, in your case, perhaps "definitively cheating.") It's a good book; you should read it. And I daresay IF you'd read it, you would remember the phrase. Anyway. I don't really have anything else to say right now . . .
All that's going on is that I have class from 0755 to 1530, and then again from 1635 to 1825, which means I have . . . a lot of Korean. This weekend I decided not to do any homework at all. Willfully. It worked wonders; I was so much better at the whole language on Monday that I feel as though I should never do homework again. Seriously. The burnout factor is factoring for the first time in my life. (Well . . . it may have happened in Calc once, too; sorry Mrs. P. . . . ) But then I had to go sign a counseling statement, which was actually very entertaining to me in my relaxed, don't-give-a-flying-anything state . . . It went like this:
(In classroom)
Teacher: Do you have your homework?
Me: Nope.
Teacher: Did you not bring it?
Me: You could say that.
Teacher: Can you get it at lunch?
Me: Nope.
Teacher: Uh . . . come to my office after this hour . . . ?
Me: Okay.
Teacher: Did you get your homework?
Me: Nope.
Teacher: Did you do it?
Me: Nope.
Teacher: Well, then I have to give you counseling unless you have good reason. [sic---she's Korean!]
Me: No reason; just needed the break.
Teacher: O . . . K . . . sign this one? Any rebuttal?
Me: Nope. Thanks!
Teacher: 수고했어요... [Which, of course, means something like "You worked hard" or "Well done," which is a ludicrous thing to say about signing a counseling statement. I laughed all the way down the hall.]
So that's MY life; I've been here about a year and a half with NO troubles, and in the past month, CQ's pulled me out of class TWICE, plus I got a counseling statement, and my grades are still FINE. I got a 3.8 on Unit 20 and pulled off a 100% on 19's Reading. Way to go, me! But I OPI on Monday, and I guess for people who don't know what I'm talking about, I may as well be speaking a foreign language already, but I guarantee I speak DLI-ish WAY better than I speak Korean, and I'll be lucky to PASS my OPI. Sonofa---(I've been instructed not to swear anymore . . . by myself . . . and it sounded like a good idea to me, which is why I said it, and so . . . less swearage. By gum.)