a telephonic invasion...
i just drank a whole bottle of sparkling cider. alone. my guts are going to make me pay for that later...
i just drank a whole bottle of sparkling cider. alone. my guts are going to make me pay for that later...
Okay...my roommate graduated today. I am so tempted to have a party just because that biatch is moving out of my room. It's not that I hate her as a person...just as a roommate. She lives like a pig. (I know, people think I do, too, but I do NOT leave dishes in the sink for DAYS...kitchen sinks would be one thing, but peoples gotta brush their teeth and wash their faces and hands over this sink. That's beyond rude.) Also, she fills the sink with hair CONSTANTLY. Jaime got permission to move in with me as soon as Cari moves out...but with how trashed Cari's part of this room has been, maybe it would've been better for ME to move in with JAIME. See, we both could've taken our odds with not getting roommates for awhile, but if we're WILLING to room together and also ABLE, why take a chance on getting another piglike roommate? Unfortunately, I don't think Jaime's going to like being my roommate very much...for all the reasons that I didn't like living with Cari...the relative levels of cleanliness are similar. Jaime's kind of anal about cleaning and tidying...the best I can really do is try not to mess it up too much.